Saturday, September 29, 2012

Pepperoni Rolls

recipe from What about pie?
that site has much better pictures and her finished product looks better than mine :)

pre packaged frozen white bread dough (wheat does not work well)
olive oil
mozzarella cheese
parmesan cheese (grated or shredded)
Italian seasoning ( or oregano, parsley, and basil )
garlic powder

let bread rise for a few hours
roll it out and brush with olive oil
layer with pepperoni ( the larger deli slices of pepperoni would work great for this)
spinkle with mozzarella cheese
sprinkle with parmesan cheese
sprinkle with seasoning
roll up the dough into a log shape
brush top with melted butter
bake at 375 for 15-25 minutes, or until golden brown and you can make a tapping sound on the crust

recipe states that you should let it cool before cutting....but we prefer hot pizza, so we didn't wait too long!

Mine did not turn out like I thought it was going to. It was still good, but it kind of deflated. So click on the link above to see what it should look like. Im not sure if I let it rise too long, or when I rolled it out, I used a little wheat flour so it wouldn't stick to the counter, maybe that did it. Who knows!

check out the pictures from the link above. She has her loaf of bread in a perfect, not so much! So I decided to divide it into 2, then I had nice squares :)

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